Sometimes, remains of the past are hidden, and sometimes they’re trapped. These Semper Morts who awoke in a secret research lab near the Falls were unable to escape their facility for years… contributing to their unique behavior. 


Named after their leader, Liz Bathory, these Sempers had no contact with the outside world until explorers from Requiem managed to free them. Unfortunately, that was after they had to resort to extreme measures to survive and satisfy their needs as Gorgers. The Bathory struggle to this day with the legacy of violence in that facility, and typically manage to put their more cannibalistic tendencies behind them, working to reclaim their old ways as thinkers and scientists.

Costume Requirements

As they were once doctors, academics and other highly educated people, Bathory Sempers typically dress quite well, and often in an academic or clinical style. Of course, because of what happened, all their clothes are tinged with blood. 


In Requiem, even the most mild-mannered of Bathory Sempers have learned to lean into their dietary needs. Assuming enough Bathory Sempers are in play (as mentioned in pre-game announcements), all Semper Morts may use the following ability.


Due to their "enthusiasm" during feeding, a Semper Mort who accomplishes a killing blow with their Gorger Lineage Advantage can call “Upsurge, next 3 attempted strikes do 5 damage.” The time to accomplish their feeding is unchanged.

Photo by London Belli