Sometimes, a good idea goes a little too far. Retrogrades have always had a problem being mistaken for zed, sometimes with fatal results. While each Retrograde has had to find an answer to this problem, one Retrograde in particular came up with an idea that is more than a solution… it’s a way of life. 


What do you do when your face is a rotting mess of flesh? Get a new face… at least this is a solution that a Retrograde named Carver came up with. Carver was the first Retrograde to realize that if a retro sews other people’s flesh over theirs, like a skin graft, it won’t rot away as quickly. Unfortunately, only small patches of skin can be replaced at one time… leading to a monstrous, patch-like appearance. But it’s better than being mistaken for a zed, right? Carver Retrogrades all answer an emphatic “yes” to this problem and have banded together in small enclaves to practice their “craft.” Note that none of these enclaves include anyone named Carver: outsiders sometimes suggest that their mythical founder never actually existed. 

Costume Requirements

To cover their rot, Carver Retrogrades scavenge flesh to replace parts of their body that fall off and tend to be covered in a patchwork of scars and stitches resembling Frankenstein’s monster. 


In Requiem, Carver Retrogrades have learned all about replacing their body parts with other Strain’s, and some of their techniques have become known to other members of their lineage. Assuming enough Carver Retrogrades are in play (as mentioned in pre-game announcements), all Retrogrades may use the following ability.

A Stitch In Time

Once per event, spend five minutes removing some flesh from another Strain, a process that does 1 Body of damage. For the next 30 minutes, they count as a member of that Lineage for the purpose of mechanical effects.