For generations, the Fold was a place where you might wander in… but you wouldn’t leave. Rovers who found their way to this territory found themselves unwelcome elsewhere, and formed a mutually beneficial relationship with local factions.


More secretive and insular than their cousins, Consigliere Rovers, as their name implies, earned their place in the Fold by offering counsel, collecting favors, and keeping their mouths shut. Sometimes running their own families, and sometimes performing contract services for others, they’re known for both their particular sense of “honor amongst thieves,” and the bloodiness of their vendettas. Due to their similar position but vastly different tactics, they have an uneasy relationship with Dynasty Yorkers. 

Costume Requirements

Consigliere Rovers eschew wearing multiple scarves, instead preferring a single subtle scarf or, more commonly, a knotted cord that signifies family allegiance and status within the Fold. They long ago traded away their traveling clothes for more refined clothes, often adopting a militaristic look. 


In Requiem, Consigliere Rovers fiercely protect their reputation as “honest deal-makers.” Assuming there are enough Consigliere Rovers in play (as mentioned in pre-game announcements), all Rovers may use the following ability.

Contractual Obligations

Once per event, after writing down the terms of a deal, and shaking hands with the other parties (who must be willing and informed), a Consigliere Rover may declare “our word is our bond,” and submit the contract to the post office. If the letter of the deal is broken (according to the opinion of high-status Consigliere Rovers), then the guilty party’s name is given to Murder Inc as a lucrative contract.

Photo by Allana Marie